Offline Journal Newsletter
Offline Journal Newsletter
#17 - Offline Journal Newsletter
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -50:20

The very many photobooks of Gareth Phillips.

Professional photographer Gareth Phillips discusses his own approach to exploring the synergy of image, ink on paper and, more recently, installation.

Next in a series of articles related to issue #005 of Offline Journal focussing on the Photobook & Wales, it’s a great pleasure to feature the above conversation between Ellie Hopkins, Brian Carroll and Gareth Phillips who works in commercial and international editorial work - most recently covering the Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out in the UK for the Wall Street Journal.

Gareth has a long-running passion for experimenting with his own personal photography projects in book form. Have a listen!
On Instagram: @garethphillips_

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This (online) Offline Journal Newsletter is published monthly to offer the wider photography community an opportunity to discuss photography in, from and of Wales. Back Issues of and Subscriptions to the limited edition Offline Journal in print (published every April & October) with special print supplements are available via

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